GPS/GIS Surveys
While the reasons for implementing a Geographic Information System (GIS) may vary, the need for accurate asset data for such a system does not.
American Energy Services can provide the timely and accurate data collection needed for your companies GIS database. We provide the experienced field crews and necessary field hardware/software to fulfill the collection of asset information to the level desired by your company. We are committed to working with various GIS technologies, as they pertain to the electric utility industry, in an effort to provide our clients with the type of up to date services they require.
With various levels of GPS/GIS asset collection available, AES has experience with many types of equipment and software, including (but not limited to):
Equipment Trimble, Magellan, Toughbook, Various PDA’s and Mobile Computers
Software ESRI ArcGis, Trimble TerraSync, Partner, Various Microsoft Products
Examples of attributes to be collected in a GIS inventory are:
GPS - GPS point taken to desired accuracy
Pole - Identification Number, Height, Class, Year, Guy Unit, Pole Top Construction, Transformer Size, Misc. Equipment (Cutout, OCR, Security Light, etc.) Joint Use Information
Meter - Meter Number, Meter Base Size, Secondary (Overhead/Underground), and Location Description (pole, barn, garage, etc.)
Lift Pole - Height, Pole Class, Year & Misc. Equipment (Security Light, etc.)
Underground Transformer - Transformer Name, Rated kV & Serial Number
along with any other desired information that is needed to completely inventory your system.